PHOENIXVILLE, PA—January 6, 2022—
The Borough of Phoenixville recently revealed its plan to install the first hydrothermal carbonization system at a municipal wastewater treatment plant in all of North America.
The new technology is faster, safer, more efficient and more environmentally friendly than the current process of anaerobic digestion and also has the potential to yield beneficial bioproducts, including biocoal, construction sand, synthetic gas and improved fertilizers. Hydrothermal carbonization, or HTC, has the power to offset the carbon use of every driver residing in Phoenixville.
Every community treats wastewater in some fashion, but Phoenixville will be the first municipality to install a state-of-the-art resource recovery system. Phoenixville will partner with SoMax BioEnergy (, in Spring City, Pennsylvania, to modernize the Borough’s current wastewater treatment facilities.
While the benefits of HTC are plain, hydrothermal carbonization is a mouthful. The average citizen might be able to break the words down to ascertain something about the process, but the Borough felt that the distinction of being first with such a revolutionary technology deserved a special designation.
To that end, the Borough elected to brand the project—the facility plus the technology—with one simple, memorable name and image.
PXVNEO was selected from a group of contenders presented by a naming and branding consultant to best reflect the marriage of modern technology with a beneficial outcome, answering the community’s most enduring—albeit, least attractive—need. The punchy abbreviations come together to characterize a unique and powerful solution to a chronic problem that most residents don’t even think about.